What’s happening everybody?! It’s You’re best good buddy David
Houston weighing in on the blog-o-meter. So how is everybody’s projects and
lives in general? I hope they are things of supreme greatness. Just remember
that rain or shine, you’ve got to grind! So keep working hard and good things’ll
Not too much going on in this week’s edition of forest
beautification but I do have a little something to show off. I’ve been
primarily working on the wind door that sections off the first two areas from
one another, and the shrine that activates it. So let’s have a looksee...
Here we have our wonderful wind door! The first thing I had
to do was reference the color scheme set up and try to get the stone to look
like stone…without looking like stone. Confusing right? But that’s the general
nature of stylized games, you don’t want to be so far out there that nobody
knows it’s a rock, but you also don’t want to have this ridiculously real
looking object because that’s just as jarring.
So finding the happy medium is what it’s about. So I grimed it up with
my handy dandy brushes as well as added in some cracks for wear and tear. I
also threw in some runes on the wooden archway for effect.
The story is similar for the wind shrine, the only
difference here is I added in some moss and moss like substance to help
differentiate the fact that unlike the door, it doesn’t move. Plus it’s an
object that is more directly in the gamers path, so the detail needs to be a
little better whereas the door is kind of at an angle.
Welp, that’s it for me youngsters. Till next time.
Wealth, Health, and Insight!